Local and Seasonal in August – Courgettes

by Sherbhert Editor

In all their glorious colours, shapes and sizes, there are so many courgettes around now. 

Whether you grow your own or get them from a farmers’ market or from a vegetable box delivery scheme – this is a simple way to harness that “just picked” flavour. The large orb-like courgettes are particularly good this way, but others work well too or use a mixture of shapes and colours.

It takes a while to cook the slices using this recipe so there is an opportunity to use the time to chat or listen to something good.

See also Marinated Courgettes – An Easy Salad to Eat on Busy or Lazy Days and Strawberry and cream cheese cakes

No specifics on quantities here – make as many slices as you need or make lots more than you need and reheat them for another time by refrying in a pan greased with a little oil. They will keep well, covered, and stored in the fridge for around 3 days at least.

Griddled Courgettes for a light meal or as a side dish

You will need a large, sturdy griddle pan or sturdy frying pan and some kitchen paper for draining the courgettes.

Rapeseed oil for the griddle or frying pan

Courgettes, washed, topped and tailed and cut into circles each about 1cm thick

Soft and creamy goat’s or sheep’s cheese such as labneh 

Sea salt flakes

Some lemon zest and juice

Extra virgin olive oil 

Some chopped mint leaves

Rub the griddle or frying pan with a thin layer of rapeseed oil.

Set the pan over medium heat and let it get hot. This should take 3 or 4 minutes.

Lay as many of the courgette slices as you can on the surface of the pan and let them cook for around 5 minutes or until they are starting to turn golden brown on the underside. Use a fork to have a peep occasionally and, as each one turns golden brown, flip it over to briefly cook the other side and then remove it from the pan to drain on some of the kitchen paper.

Continue to cook the courgettes in this way until you have cooked them all. You will need to add extra rapeseed oil to the pan as you go.

If you want to eat them warm, you may need to reheat them gently in the griddle or frying pan, or you can eat them at room temperature if you prefer. In both cases, lay some on a serving plate, dot with small spoonfuls of labneh (or other soft cheese), sprinkle over some lemon zest and juice, some extra virgin olive oil and scatter with some chopped mint leaves.

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