Sherbhert Food –  Spring and Summer 2024

by Sherbhert Editor

I think the theme for Spring and Summer Sherbhert food reinforces the mantra  “good quality food, keep it simple and serve it well” . That is food simply prepared with vibrant bursts of flavours in the accompaniments such as  Green Sauce, Salad Cream and Marinated Radishes, adding embellishment where appropriate  with the fabulous herbs available now and throughout the Spring and Summer. It’s perhaps a good time to think about growing a few herbs and summer leaves and edible flowers such as Nasturtiums.

If you haven’t seen it already, do watch the delightful and romantic film “The Taste of Things” with  Juliet Binoche and Benoit Magimel. It is both moving and celebratory, but vegans and vegetarians should probably look  away.

My Deglon Sabatier knives  which have been lovingly cared for with regular honing at home using a steel and which have never seen the inside of a dishwasher, were recently sharpened professionally for the first time in 25 years. They are now even more fabulous and will probably still be so in another 25 years. One of the best kitchen investments I ever made. I used the London Sharpening Service who can send someone to you.

Available now and coming soon, amongst other things are : –  

Asparagus, Peas, Radishes, Courgettes

Jersey Royal and other lovely salad potato varieties; Spring onions, Lots of salad leaves, Little Gem Lettuce;

Crab, Cod, Sea Trout and Plaice;

Parsley, Mint, Sage, Chives;

Rhubarb, Strawberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries and Redcurrants.

Just click on the highlighted words to find links to the Sherbhert recipes in these pages.

If you want a healthier and more environmentally friendly diet, a good start would be to cook from scratch, avoid buying ready-processed meals, and so avoid foods with a high sugar and salt content. Have a look at food labels, you will likely be amazed by how much salt and sugar is included and, worse, how many of the ingredients are not recognisable as food.

Sherbhert champions delicious, healthy and sustainable food where its production minimises environmental damage, exploitation, animal suffering and subsequent processing. Sherbhert’s recipes are simple and use mainly UK seasonal produce sourced as locally as possible.

Sherbhert occasionally recommends suppliers entirely because of their good produce and ethos.

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