Salad Cream

by Sherbhert Editor

This recipe does produce something like the salad cream you can buy in a plastic bottle  but is an excellent substitute and doesn’t use any ingredients not recognisable as food. It is also an excellent substitute for mayonnaise, is easier to make and uses cooked egg yolks rather than raw.

Add herbs  such as tarragon, parsley, or coriander or some crushed garlic or soaked saffron strands if you like. This recipe is best made in a blender. It will keep well if covered and stored in the fridge for around 3 days.

Makes enough for 8 to 10

  • The yolks from 2 hard boiled eggs
  • 2 tbsp English mustard or use Dijon mustard if you like
  • Juice from half a lemon
  • A pinch of caster sugar 
  • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 150ml double cream – use genuine double cream, the one from Riverford Organics is good.
  • 150ml extra virgin olive oil
  • A pinch of sea salt flakes

Use an electric blender to mix all the ingredients, except the oil and salt flakes, together. 

Add the oil, little by little with the motor running, until a smooth cream  is formed. 

Taste the cream and add a pinch or two of sea salt flakes if necessary.

See also: – Mayonnaise

If you want a healthier and more environmentally friendly diet, a good start would be to cook from scratch, avoid buying ready-processed meals, and so avoid foods with a high sugar and salt content. Have a look at food labels, you will likely be amazed by how much salt and sugar is included and, worse, how many of the ingredients are not recognisable as food.

Sherbhert champions delicious, healthy and sustainable food where its production minimises environmental damage, exploitation, animal suffering and subsequent processing. Sherbhert’s recipes are simple and use mainly UK seasonal produce sourced as locally as possible.

Sherbhert occasionally recommends suppliers entirely because of their good produce and ethos.

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