Condemnation of Whitehall workers as Covid criminals without key facts or recognising the greyness of the law is a corruption of justice.
With 2022 presenting major challenges, whilst successes bring significant hope, facing realities of pain is a leadership challenge.
Corruption and hatred are putting the world at risk and the UK needs peacemakers to stop polarisation.
If the vaccinated hold the unvaccinated responsible for Covid restrictions and the resulting hardship, society risks a damaging division when unity is critical.
With the wolves at the door of number 10, Boris Johnson must display mature judgements and restore public trust to send them packing.
Racism is a matter of degree. That a person takes offence at a remark does not necessarily make the speaker a racist.
Cash, Coal, Cars, Trees were at the heart of Cop26 and the 1.5c limit of increase of the heat of the planet remains alive.
Uncertainty and fear of the unknown have been so promoted that many people fear the future with little confidence: a reset is required.
Police must be permitted to prioritise the worst of crimes, not asked to protect the public from being offended.
Making positive changes, not knee-jerk complaints, should be the reaction to the global problem of shortages.