A Dessert Cake with Plums or Greengages

by Sherbhert Editor

Another simple cake using seasonal fruits. This cake is delicious as it is or with a few spoonfuls of vanilla custard.

Enough for 10

150g  butter

225g soft brown sugar

2 eggs

Zest and juice of an unwaxed lemon

125g self-raising flour

100g ground almonds

1.5 tsp baking powder

10 – 12 plums or greengages, washed, cut in halves and stones removed

Icing sugar

You will also need some baking parchment and an appropriate cake tin. Either a  square tin (22x22cm) or a round tin (23cm) diameter.

Preheat the oven to 180c

  • Lay a large piece of baking parchment over the cake tin to form a lining.
  • Melt the butter in a small pan over medium heat until it is just runny and then pour it into a large mixing bowl.
  • Add the eggs, sugar and the lemon zest and juice and mix them together with  the melted butter to form a smooth mixture.
  • Add the flour, ground almonds and baking powder and mix well to combine.
  • Turn about two thirds of the mixture into the prepared baking tin and lay the halved plums or greengages (uncut sides uppermost) over the top.
  • Cover the plums or greengages with the rest of the cake mixture. It doesn’t need to be smoothed to perfection.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 35 to 45 minutes or until the cake is golden brown and firm to the touch.
  • Remove the cake from the oven and leave it for 10 minutes to cool a little before using the baking paper to lift it from the tin and on to cool a wire rack to cool completely.
  • When the cake is cool, use a fine sieve to dust it generously with the icing sugar.

See also: Apple Dessert Cake – CustardStewed Plums

If you want a healthier and more environmentally friendly diet, a good start would be to cook from scratch, avoid buying ready-processed meals, and so avoid foods with a high sugar and salt content. Have a look at food labels, you will likely be amazed by how much salt and sugar is included and, worse, how many of the ingredients are not recognisable as food.

Sherbhert champions delicious, healthy and sustainable food where its production minimises environmental damage, exploitation, animal suffering and subsequent processing. Sherbhert’s recipes are simple and use mainly UK seasonal produce sourced as locally as possible.

Sherbhert occasionally recommends suppliers entirely because of their good produce and ethos.

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