Marinated Strawberries

by Sherbhert Editor

So little sun this summer means our strawberries are lacking their typically sweet flavour and so they could benefit from a little help. This simple recipe will give them a delicious boost to make a very special dessert. 

The Liberty Fields Apple Balsamic Vinegar used in this recipe is truly sensational and is produced in the UK using just one ingredient, apples. It is available to buy online but if you can’t run to that then you could substitute Italian style balsamic vinegar, but the quality of most brands available in the UK varies enormously and many are loaded with sugar. See more about this product in these pages by clicking this link.

You need to allow 2 to 3 hours of marinating time before you want to serve the strawberries.

Enough for 4 – 6

2 tbsp Liberty Fields Apple Balsamic Vinegar

2 tbsp caster sugar

The finely grated zest of a medium, unwaxed orange

About 350g strawberries, rinsed

Put the vinegar in a shallow bowl which is large enough to hold the strawberries in a single layer.

Stir in the sugar and the orange zest.

Remove the stalks from the strawberries and cut each one into  two pieces, or four if they are large.

Add the strawberries to the bowl and stir them so that they get coated in the marinade.

Cover the bowl and set it aside in a cool place for 2 to 3 hours or so and stir them once or twice in this time.

Eat the strawberries with plain yogurt or kefir or labneh.

See also: – Strawberries and Cream Cakes – Labneh – Frozen Lemon Curd with Summer Berries – Pavlova

If you want a healthier and more environmentally friendly diet, a good start would be to cook from scratch, avoid buying ready-processed meals, and so avoid foods with a high sugar and salt content. Have a look at food labels, you will likely be amazed by how much salt and sugar is included and, worse, how many of the ingredients are not recognisable as food.

Sherbhert champions delicious, healthy and sustainable food where its production minimises environmental damage, exploitation, animal suffering and subsequent processing. Sherbhert’s recipes are simple and use mainly UK seasonal produce sourced as locally as possible.

Sherbhert occasionally recommends suppliers entirely because of their good produce and ethos.

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