Courgettes with Feta, Chilli and Mint

by Sherbhert Editor

Summery and delicious, warm or at room temperature, a light supper or part of a larger spread, this simple salad has clean, sharp flavours using some of many lovely seasonal ingredients.

It takes a while to cook the courgettes, but a large frying pan  or griddle pan will help speed that up, or the hotplate on a BBQ would work very well.

Cook them a day ahead if you like and store them, well covered, in the fridge. An hour or so before serving, take them out of the fridge  and finish with the mint, olive oil and Feta.


No specifics on quantities here, but as a guide I would use at least 1 medium courgette for each person. 

Extra virgin olive oil 

Sea salt flakes

Dried chilli flakes (use these sparingly as they can be very hot and spicy)

Chopped mint leaves

Feta cheese

  • Wash the courgettes and slice them into 5mm discs.
  • Oil the pan or griddle and set it over medium to low heat and, when it is hot, lay as many of the courgette discs as you can on the surface (in a single layer).
  • Sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt flakes and a tiny pinch of dried chilli flakes and let them cook for around 5 minutes or until they are starting to turn golden brown on the underside. Use a fork to have a peep occasionally and, as each one turns golden, flip it over to briefly cook the other side and then remove it from the pan to a serving plate.
  • Continue to cook the rest of the courgettes in this way, adding a little more oil and salt and a tiny pinch of dried chilli flakes as needed, until you have cooked them all.
  • Pile them in two or three layers sprinkled with chopped mint, a little more olive oil and crumbled Feta cheese. Eat warm or at room temperature.

See also: – Marinated Courgettes

If you want a healthier and more environmentally friendly diet, a good start would be to cook from scratch, avoid buying ready-processed meals, and so avoid foods with a high sugar and salt content. Have a look at food labels, you will likely be amazed by how much salt and sugar is included and, worse, how many of the ingredients are not recognisable as food.

Sherbhert champions delicious, healthy and sustainable food where its production minimises environmental damage, exploitation, animal suffering and subsequent processing. Sherbhert’s recipes are simple and use mainly UK seasonal produce sourced as locally as possible.

Sherbhert occasionally recommends suppliers entirely because of their good produce and ethos.

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