Sherbhert is a warehouse of experience and opinion where people and well-being are priority.


Without embracing any particular politics, religion, philosophy or ism, Sherbhert asks questions and applies common sense, exploring possibilities, recognising it may not have the answers. It is wary of excessive correctness and dogma. Freedoms, particularly of individuals, of thought and of speech; responsibility not entitlement; the power of hard work, humour, optimism and change; and especially integrity underpin Sherbhert thinking.


Sherbhert Food promotes well-being. It champions local and seasonal food not least because it’s a simple route to achieving a varied, balanced, healthy diet and, perhaps most importantly, it’s delicious.  It is also good for the planet and there are lots more reasons, regularly repeated in these pages which draw attention to the availability of these fabulous foods and ways to enjoy them.

Sherbhert Commentaries address current events, issues and debates, domestic and international, with no subject off the table. From politics, people and news to economics, culture and social values, Sherbhert seeks to apply its approach to challenge actions, assumptions and behaviours, bring perspective and look forward positively.


Sherbhert Leisure is a store for restaurants, holidays, hotels and other leisure activities. Reflecting Sherbhert thinking, only positive reviews can be found here.


You can use these headings, Food, Commentaries and Leisure above, to find articles that might interest you; or use the Sherbhert Search facility above to find something more specific: for example, Climate or Covid or Carrots; Resilience or Racism or Roast; Freedom or Farming or Figs and so on.


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